Mini-Me Crochet Characters

Published March 6, 2014 by rachelpixiecreations

Recently I have been creating crochet characters (or amigurumi) for people based on themselves. Each character has been designed and made specifically for each person.

I start with photos of the person to help with details for dress, hair, body shape etc.


The characters all begin fairly similarly as a collection of body parts (head, body arms and legs). These body parts are tailored to the body size/shape of the person


(At this point its easy to feel a little like Doctor Frankenstein!!)

Some characters are easier to dress after the body-parts have all been sewn together. Some outfits work better being made and dressed as the final character is assembled.

The first naked lady caused much mirth….


The first part that I usually make is the hair. This always ends up like some crazy spider before it is tamed and sewn onto the head.


Once the head and body are assembled and hair attached you can begin to see the character coming through.


(Some people find the blank faces a little scary….)

The clothes are made to measure and in the style of the clothing worn in the photos. Everything is crochet even down to accessories (such as Bjarni the Viking’s belt pouch and seax).

Finally the characters are given simple facial features. Bead eyes and a thread for a mouth.






Bjarni (Terry)

If you would like me to make a Mini-me of you, or someone you know please get in touch! 🙂

Available on Etsy here

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