
All posts tagged fashion

National Wear A Ballgown Day 2014

Published June 2, 2014 by rachelpixiecreations

Saturday 31st May was National Wear a Ballgown Day. An event that was started by Two by Two in Ulverston. The history of how the day began can be found here.

At Pixie Creations we joined in with the event in style.

I designed and made two ballgowns, one for each of us to wear, and added accessories to match.

The day began in Seascale. We walked to the railway station attracting some attention from the residents. We stopped off at the chemist for a quick photo enroute.

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We arrived at the railway station to wait for the train to arrive.

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Our train arrived and we began our journey down the west coast of Cumbria.


We changed trains at Barrow (unfortunately even dressed in ballgowns they wouldn’t let us onto first class!)

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We arrived in Ulverston


We walked through the town.


We arrived at Two by Two to be met with a red carpet. Serenaded by some lovely clarinet music!


We were welcomed in and offered Pimms and tiny cakes. There were lots of other ladies there dressed in wonderful gowns, including Rachael (the shop owner and organiser of NWABGD) who had made a fantastic gown from ties! There were also a few gentlemen in dashing evening suits.


We visited the local opticians who were also taking part.

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And of course whilst we were in Ulverston we had to have a picture taken with Laurel and Hardy!!


After spending a lovely day in Ulverston we returned to the station to catch the train home.

National Wear a Ballgown day 2014 was a fantastic event and we hope to take part again in 2015…..

now to think of ideas for new ballgowns!!


To read more about National Wear a Ballgown day take a look at the Facebook page here and/or take a look at the blog post from Two by Two here