
All posts tagged Upcycled

How to make an Upcycled Magazine Bowl

Published May 18, 2014 by rachelpixiecreations
Step-by-Step instructions for making a bowl from magazines. (Magazine print is likely to rub off onto your fingers making them black but washes off quite easily!)
You will need: 
  1. Magazines/catalogues/junk mail etc (make sure you’ve finished reading them!)
  2. Sticky tape
  3. Scissors
  4. Varnish and paintbrush (or PVA glue or similar)
  5. Paper slicer (optional)
Step 1 Slice up the magazines into workable strips  (I make 9cm widths the length of the page)
Step 2 Fold each strip lengthways in half
 Step 3 Open flat and fold one side into the centre crease
Step 4 Fold the new edge into the centre again.
Step 5 Turn page around and fold the edge in to the middle again. 
Step 6 Fold the final edge in to the middle. 
Step 7 Fold back along the centre line 
Step 8 Repeat this for the rest of your magazine strips.  To make a 17cm diameter bowl I used approximately 150 strips of magazine.
(I kept them up together in a large plastic jug.) 

Now to start rolling!

Step 9 Carefully start to make the roll. Curl the first paper around itself don’t worry if its not tight enough you can pull it tighter later. 
Step 10 When you come to the end of the first piece carefully line up the next piece slightly overlapping the first and stick together with clear sticky tape. Continue rolling, adding pieces one at a time, sticking them together as you go.
Step 11 As the coil grows you will find it easier to work pushing the disc onto the table. pull the end as you go keeping the coil tight.
Step 12 If you need to stop coiling (either to cut more tape or for any other reason) use elastic bands to secure the loose end. Wrap the disc well to stop it unrolling!
Step 13 Continue rolling adding all the pieces until you have reached the size you want. (the outer edge will make the rim of the bowl) 
Step 14 Choose the last 2 or 3 pieces carefully to get the colours you want for the rim of the bowl. 
Step 15 Cut a small piece of tape and stick the last end back to the rim of the bowl. 
Step 16 You now have a flat disc. 
Step 17 Carefully shape the bowl by pushing the sides up and the center down. Take care with this so you don’t loose the whole structure of the disc! 
Step 18 Once you have the shape you want coat the bowl in varnish (or PVA or similar) The paper will soak up lots of the varnish/glue. Use plenty!
Step 19 Leave to dry. It will take a while and you may want to add more coats of glue/varnish to make the bowl stronger. 

You now have a lovely recycled bowl! 

Cloaks and Upcycled Pixiecoats in Wasdale

Published April 25, 2014 by rachelpixiecreations

Over the Easter Weekend it was such wonderful weather here in the Lake District that we decided to go into the national park and take some photos of our cloaks and coats.

Wasdale was chosen as a location because of its natural beauty and lovely backdrop of the fells leading up towards ScaFell, Englands highest peak.

We started with the unlined cloaks



The combination of sun and wind made for some atmospheric photos.



The corner of the sheep fence lent itself to some “Titanic” inspired images with billowing cloak and dramatic fells in the background.



The light helped to pick out the beautiful colours in the crushed velvet.

Next it was the turn of the lined cloaks.



The wind helped the cloaks to billow and show off the expanse of fabric used.



The contrast between the crushed velvet and the satin lining can be clearly seen.

Upcycled PixieCoats

The location was ideally suited to show off the colours and textures in the upcycled knitwear.






























Models courtesy of Two-Headed Sheep Morris Dancers, Herbal Doo-Dahs and Morrigan’s Drawings

Photography by Pixie Creations

Video on Youtube Here