
All posts tagged water

Mixed Media Collage Workshop

Published April 22, 2015 by rachelpixiecreations

On the 12th and 13th of February 2015 I led a couple of enjoyable workshops with primary aged children working with mixed media to create collaged landscapes.

The children were split into two groups. The younger children (4 to 7 year olds) and the older children (7 to 11 year olds).2009 06 02  Ennerdale Water from the west shore

They had been studying their local area and more specifically the valley of Ennerdale. Using images (and their real-life experiences) for inspiration the children created collaged landscapes of the area.

The younger children used coloured paper to create the background of the landscape and then added cotton wool, matchsticks and other collage materials to add texture and depth.

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The older children also used paint which they combined with sawdust, washing powder, salt and other collage materials to create textured paint effects.

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The children all had a very messy but fun time and produced some fantastic art-work to go with their topic at school

Here are some of the finished art-works:



This fantastic river was created by combining pva glue, blue acrylic paint and woodshavings. Reflective aspects were achieved by the addition of scraps of plastic cling-film.


This piece was created with a night scene in mind and includes an owl made by cutting a small section of a white feather.


This scene includes a hill created in collaged paper and the water of the lake was formed with the careful application of water, blue and white poster paint and washing powder.


Although incomplete this piece shows delicate and careful application of coloured paper to create a uniform mosaiced lake.


This piece has been finished with a pva varnish and cotton wool clouds

Other Completed Works:

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The journey of some Blue Fabric

Published May 5, 2014 by rachelpixiecreations

In my fabric stash I have some bright blue voile fabric. This fabric was given to me in 2006. It has been used in many different ways. This is the story of the blue fabric!


Whilst working as a teacher in Guildford I was given a long length of blue voile by a colleague. She had acquired a vast amount of the fabric which had been used initially for promotional purposes.

The colour was fantastic and the drape of the fabric made it ideal to use in classroom displays.

These pictures show the display created by my colleague. She used the fabric to represent water and used it as a focal point for her prayer corner.



In its next incarnation I used some of the fabric to help to create a fancy-dress costume.

I went to a party with a theme of London Underground stations. Using the blue fabric, a chain around my head and a couple of toilet rolls hung on strings I went dressed as “Waterloo”



During 2006 I moved school and took a post in Kidderminster. I was working initially in a temporary classroom. I used the blue fabric to add colour and focus to the walls with a display in the prayer corner.



I also used some of the fabric to add texture and detail to a display on the topic of “Water”Image



I was eventually moved into a brand new school building whilst still teaching in Kidderminster. I used the blue fabric once again in a display whilst studying all about water making the effect of a waterfall.




I moved north to Cumbria and started work at a school in Workington. Whilst there I first came acroos and became involved in the Rock Challenge. The production that was performed by the school in 2008 was based on the story of Baba Yaga. In the story there is a river, so once again the blue fabric was brought out and used to help represent the river being manipulated by children dressed in blues and greens and silvers. The fabric had lily leaves attached with blue lace to add flow.


Dress Rehearsal at School


Dress rehearsal press photographs.





The following year the school took part again. This time the performance was based on Narnia. The fabric was used again to represent the ice and snow melting once Aslan had returned. This time the fabric had silver holographic ice floes attached.



Since then the blue fabric has gone back into a cupboard but plans are being made to bring it out once again for a new incarnation….

Watch this space!!