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Crochet Pattern for Basic Mini-Me Body

Published November 26, 2014 by rachelpixiecreations

How to make a basic body shape for a Mini-me

Naked LadyThis pattern is written using US stitch names. To convert to UK stitch terms read SC (Single Crochet) as DC (Double Crochet) All other parts of the pattern will be the same.

You will need

Yarn: Arran weight (I use any brand. Colour-wise I use cream for Caucasian skin but obviously the colour can be varied depending on the skin colour of the person to be made.)

Hook size: 4mm

Stuffing: Any type of stuffing will work. I have used all sorts from hollow fibre toy-stuffing to rags and cut up fabric. The mini-mes I make tend to be fairly rigid and I am currently using woolen blankets cut up for stuffing but fleece fabric and old jumpers work just as well. You will need some fabric to cover the wiring to prevent it poking through the hands and feet.

Wire: Any type of craft-style wire will work. I use stripped down copper electrical wire as I find this more cost-effective than purpose sold crafting wire. Your wire needs to be fairly thick (2.5mm² CSA is ideal).

Additional notes: Unless otherwise stated repeat each set of instructions around the ring until you have the required number of stitches. When decreasing (SC2tog) it looks neater if you SC in flo each time. (invisible decrease)

Head (Stuff as you go)


  1. MC6 (Magic Circle/Magic Ring)          (6)
  2. 2SC in each st.                                   (12)
  3. SC1, 2SC in same st (Increase)           (18)
  4. SC2, 2SC increase                              (24)
  5. SC3, 2SC increase                              (30)
  6. SC4, 2SC increase                               (36)
  7. SC in each st around                            (36)
  8. SC in each st around                            (36)
  9. SC in each st around                            (36)
  10. SC4, SC2tog (flo)                               (30)
  11. SC3, SC2tog (flo)                                (24)
  12. SC2, SC2tog (flo)                                (18)
  13. SC1, SC2tog (flo)                                (12)
  14. SC2tog (flo)                                          (6)

Fasten off

Body Stuff as you go

  1. MC10                                                   (10)
  2. 2SC in each st.                                     (20)
  3. SC1, 2SC increase                               (30)
  4. SC in each st.                                       (30)
  5. SC in each st.                                       (30)
  6. SC in each st.                                       (30)
  7. SC3 SC2tog                                          (24)
  8. SC in each st.                                       (24)
  9. SC in each st.                                       (24)
  10. SC in each st.                                       (24)
  11. SC3, SC2tog                                       (20)
  12. SC in each st.                                       (20)
  13. SC in each st.                                       (20)
  14. SC in each st.                                       (20)
  15. SC2 SC2tog                                         (15)
  16. SC in each st.                                       (15)
  17. SC in each st.                                       (15)
  18. SC in each st.                                       (15)
  19. SC1, SC2tog                                         (10)
  20. SC3tog, SC2, SC3tog, SC2                   (6)

Fasten off.

Arms Make 2

  1. MC6                                                    (6)
  2. SC2, SC2 increase                              (9)
  3. SC in each st.                                       (9)
  4. SC in each st.                                       (9)  Stuff hand
  5. SC1, SC2tog                                        (6)
  6. SC in each st.                                       (6)
  7. SC in each st.                                       (6)
  8. SC in each st.                                       (6)
  9. SC in each st.                                       (6)
  10. SC in each st.                                       (6)
  11. SC in each st.                                       (6)
  12. SC in each st.                                       (6)
  13. SC in each st.                                       (6)
  14. SC in each st.                                       (6)
  15. SC in each st.                                       (6)
  16. SC in each st.                                       (6)

Fasten off

Legs Make 2

    • Ch4
    • SC2 in 2nd ch from hook, slst in next ch, slst4 in last ch.
    • Other side of CH row: slst in next ch, SC2 in next ch, slst into first st to complete first round
  1. SC around increasing at toe (wide end) and heel (narrow end) to make 15 stitches                      (15)
  2. SC around blo                                                                                                                                  (15)
  3. SC2tog x5 at the front of the foot, SC6 in each st around the heel (this forms the top of the foot)  (11)
  4. SC2tog x3 at fron t of foot, SC5 in each st around the heel                         (8)
  5. SC in each st.                                                                                              (8)
  6. SC in each st.                                                                                              (8)
  7.  SC in each st.                                                                                             (8)
  8. SC in each st.                                                                                              (8)
  9. SC in each st.                                                                                              (8)
  10. SC in each st.                                                                                              (8)
  11. SC in each st.                                                                                              (8)
  12. SC in each st.                                                                                              (8)
  13. SC in each st.                                                                                              (8)
  14. SC in each st.                                                                                              (8)
  15. SC in each st.                                                                                              (8)
  16. SC in each st.                                                                                              (8)
  17. SC in each st.                                                                                              (8)
  18. SC in each st.                                                                                              (8)
  19. SC in each st.                                                                                              (8)
  20. SC in each st.                                                                                              (8)
  21. SC in each st.                                                                                              (8)

Fasten off.

Stuff arms and legs by making a wire skeleton/armature. Cut lengths of wire just longer than twice the completed length of the crochet limbs. fold the two cut ends to the centre and twist together.

Wrap these wires in fabric (slightly softer/thicker fabric such as blanket material or micro-fibre fleece works best) bind them up with yarn and then stuff them down into the arms and legs.

Position all the body-parts together and sew securely into a body.

Additional option for a woman…..

Female boobies! x2

  1. MC6                                  (6)
  2. SC2 SC2inc                       (9)
  3. SC in each st around         (9)

body partsThis is the basic body shape I use when making mini-mes, however I adapt the sizing to suit the person (eg. fatter/thinner body shape, longer torso/legs/arms for a taller person etc.)

Once the basic body-shape has been made I am then able to add all the distinguishing features and clothing to replicate the person to be made.

For more information/assistance please get in touch via rachel@pixiecreations.co.uk